Tuesday, 16 October 2018 10:22

[Lectures]Spectacular Aurora

[Speech I]: Spectacular Aurora (in Chinese)

Speaker: Prof. Lou-Chuang Lee

 Distinguished Visiting Chair, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica

 Academician, Academia Sinica

 Foreign Member, National Academy of Engineering

Time: 10/26 (Fri.) 10:00-12:00

Location: International Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Center for Condensed Matter Sciences


[Speech II]: A Meteorite Impact and a Dam Failure in Southern Laos

Speaker: Prof. Kerry Sieh

 Director and Professor, AXA-Nanyang Chair in Natural Hazards, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University

 Member, National Academy of Sciences

Time: 11/1 (Thu.) 10:00-12:00

Location: International Conference Hall, Shih-Liang Hall


[Speech III]: Where Taiwan came from—seeing its deep past by looking deep inside the Earth

Speaker: Prof. John Suppe

 Blair Professor of Geology Emeritus, Department of Geosciences, Princeton University

 Distinguished Chair Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University

 Distinguished Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston

 Member, National Academy of Sciences

Time: 11/30 (Fri.) 10:00-12:00

Location: International Conference Hall, Shih-Liang Hall


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