Tuesday, 27 April 2021 09:09

[Lectures] Introduction of Integrated Assessment Model with Different CO2 Mitigation Pathways

Speaker: Hsinghsuan Chen (陳幸萱) Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Title: Introduction of Integrated Assessment Model with Different CO2 Mitigation Pathways Time: 30 April,10:20-11:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Friday, 16 April 2021 11:25

[Lectures] Chemostratigraphic correlations across the first major trilobite extinction and faunal turnovers between Laurentia and South China

Speaker: Dr. Jih-Pai LIN (林日白) Department of Geosciences, NTU Title: Chemostratigraphic correlations across the first major trilobite extinction and faunal turnovers between Laurentia and South China Time: 16 April,10:30-12:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Wednesday, 06 January 2021 11:07

[Lectures] Governing Natural Disaster

Speaker: Dr. Thung-Hong Lin (林宗弘博士) Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica https://www.ios.sinica.edu.tw/fellowE/thunghonglin Title: Governing Natural Disaster Time: 8 Jan. 11:20-12:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Tuesday, 22 December 2020 10:15

[Lectures] What is "Popular Science"?

Speaker: 阿樹 (潘昌志) https://www.facebook.com/quakeledge/ Title: What is "Popular Science"? Time: 25 December. 11:20-12:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Tuesday, 08 December 2020 10:38

[Lectures] From mainland to Taiwan - the Quaternary mammalian faunas in Taiwan

Speaker: Dr. Chun-Hsiang Chang National Museum of Natural Science Title: From mainland to Taiwan - the Quaternary mammalian faunas in Taiwan Time: 11 December. 11:20-12:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Tuesday, 24 November 2020 10:51

[Lectures] Environmental Aspects in Sustainability Sciences

Speaker: Dr. Yue-Gau Chen (陳于高) Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University Title: Environmental Aspects in Sustainability Sciences Time: 27 Nov., 11:20-12:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Monday, 26 October 2020 15:52

[Lectures] Origins and metamorphism of serpentinites and related rocks in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan

Speaker: Dr.Chin-Ho Tsai (蔡金河) National Dong Hwa University Title: Origins and metamorphism of serpentinites and related rocks in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan Time: October 30, 11:20-12:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Tuesday, 20 October 2020 09:12

[Lectures] East Taiwan Ophiolite and Subduction Initiation of the South China Sea

Speaker: Dr. Chiou-Ting LIN (林秋婷) Title: East Taiwan Ophiolite and Subduction Initiation of the South China Sea Time: October 23, 11:20-12:10 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Thursday, 15 October 2020 11:06

[Lectures] Challenge and Revolution-A high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of Central Range: A possible Mio-Pliocene ancient transform fault of Taiwan

Speaker: Dr. Gong-Ruei Ho Title: Challenge and Revolution-A high strain shear zone in the metamorphic core of Central Range: A possible Mio-Pliocene ancient transform fault of Taiwan Time: October 16, 11:00 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
Wednesday, 07 October 2020 09:35

[Lectures] To see a world in a grain of sand: To tackle surface processes from the sedimentary records

Speaker: Dr. Shao-Yi Huang Title: To see a world in a grain of sand: To tackle surface processes from the sedimentary records Time: October 13, 11:00 Location: R213 Meeting Room, Department of Geosciences
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