Tuesday, 13 March 2018 10:24

[Activities]"Seismic-scale fluid migration features in a passive margin setting - Outcrop analogues from the Mesozoic SE France Basin".

Field course in SE France on "Seismic-scale fluid migration features in a passive margin setting - Outcrop analogues from the Mesozoic SE France Basin".

This course is in collaboration with the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS). This field course will focus on the study of fossilised hydrocarbon outcrops (authigenic methane derived carbonates - MDACs) in comparison with their expressions on 3D acoustic seismic data.

This field trip/course is leaded by:

  • Dr. & Eng. Jean-Philippe Blouet, Unite of Earth Sciences, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Total CSTJF Research Centre (France). Specialist in petroleum sedimentology, carbonate diagenesis and paleontology.
  • Prof. & Eng. Patrice Imbert, Total CSTJF Research Centre (France). Specialist in petroleum exploration, petroleum geoscience and sedimentology.
  • Dr. Sutieng Ho, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University (Taiwan). Specialist in fluid flow, seismic interpretation and sedimentology applied in hydrocarbon exploration.
  • Prof. Andreas Wetzel, Institute of Geology and Paleontology, University of Basal (Switzerland). Specialist in sedimentology and carbonate diagenesis and paleontology.

This is a multidisciplinary field course which combines the aspect of petroleum sedimentology, geochemistry and geophysics.

During 3 days on the field, we will discuss the formation of hydrocarbon leakage conduits (MDACs) in the microscopic- and macroscopic-scale, the spatial organisation of MDACs in the outcrop-scale and the underlying petroleum systems in the regional-scale.

This field course will take place on 12-14 June 2018. IAS Student members can apply for an IAS travel grant. The successful applicants will be informed after 15th of April 2018.

We recommend NTU members or students from Taiwan to joint this field course, which will allow to gain exceptional geological learning experience as well as incredible cultural experience.

Detailed information can be found in our research website https://fluid-venting-system.weebly.com/ias-field-trip-june-2018.html

The official announcement by IAS can also be found in https://www.sedimentologists.org/conferences/sponsored

If there is any question, please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


