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George BURR

George Burr Chair Professor
BS., Geology Department, University of Colorado (1978)
MS.,Geology Department, George Washington University (1982)
PhD.,Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago (1993)
Geologist/Physical Science Techincian, U.S. Geological Survey (1979/10-1989/01)
AssociateResearch Scientist, University of Arizona (1994/01-2000/07)
Research Scientist, University of Arizona(2000/07-2009/01)
Senior Research Scientist, University of Arizona(2009/01-present)

Additional Info

  • Position: Chair Professor
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Translation:

    1. 14C and 129I time series studies of seawater and corals.
    2. Quantification of iodine in natural waters.
    3. development of specialized AMS techniques and paleoenvironmental studies.



