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Professor / Chairman Shu-Huei Hung

Professor Shu-Huei Hung
1998- Ph. D., Brown University. 1993- M. S., National Taiwan University.
1991- B. S., National Taiwan University.
2001/02- Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
2001/7-8 2002/7-8 Visiting Scientist, University of Rhode Island, USA.
1998/8-2001/1 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University, USA.
1993-1998 Graduate Research Assistant, Brown University, USA

Additional Info

  • Position: Professor / Chairman
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Tel: (02)3366-2925, (02)2364-9352
  • Field:


    1.Theory and numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation.

    2.Inversion of seismic wave observations for mantle structures.

    3.Mantle dynamics.

    4.Earthquake relocation and focal mechanism determination.



